Personality Test in SSB

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SSB is a test of personality and so no amount of cramming answer for psychology test or copying someone else personality is going to help you. You need to build your own personality and personality is developed by bringing changes in your day to day life.
The most important thing to clear SSB is to know yourself inside out. Strengths, weakness, likes, dislikes, everything there is about you! Being yourself is important. Trying to show-off or giving false details when asked is not at all appreciated. The officers are experienced assessors and know the difference between a genuine gentleman and a show-off. Bluffing or giving vague replies is a big NO! I would also suggest knowing the testing procedure and what the tests are designed to check. Also a sound knowledge of the organisation is required (Army, Navy, or Air Force). Also pick up a sport (preferably a team one) to build co-ordination and team spirit in you and get healthy at the same time.
I will advice you to focus on your Fitness, English, General Awareness and most importantly become a doer, observer and a social person in addition to it do following things.
  • Fitness: Make yourself physically very fit. Run as much as you can and also join gym if you have time and money for it.
  • English:
    • Speak to yourself in English, Speak with your friend in English and watch English news channels
    • Write diary on daily basis to remove spelling mistakes and to propel your observing skills
  • Logical Reasoning: Practice logical reasoning from books.
  • News Paper: Read newspaper on daily basis.
  • GK: Have good knowledge about India and India’s relations with neighboring countries and major world powers.
  • Sports: Participate in sports as much as you can to a level that you are able to represent school/college team in at least one sport.
  • Extra-curricular Activities: Actively participate in extra-curricular activities and organizing events in school/college.
  • Main Subjects : Have sufficient knowledge of your main subjects that you have studied till now.

    At last become a good human being and help others as much as you can.
Personality Test in SSB Personality Test in SSB Reviewed by Shyam on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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