Best ways to crack the SSB in the first attempt

Best ways to crack the SSB in the first attempt

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The best way to crack SSB in first attempt is exactly following the below mentioned two mutually inclusive ways:
  • Know the SSB process and everything about all the tests/rounds that are going to be conducted in those five eventful days. For that, be thorough with the SSB e-brochure available on the websites of all the armed forces. One of the brochure can be found here- Page on . Since the process of SSB is same for all the Armed Forces divisions, so you can be sure that the document is not different for any of them. Now, you must also make sure that you don't get trapped into the whole idea of imbibing the officer like qualities (OLQs) in some weeks or days after coming across this term (which you inevitably will in some way or the other). I had not heard about OLQs till the 5th day of my SSB. Knowing about it would not make any difference in your chances of getting selected.
  • Be Yourself. Sorry for putting it so dry and plain. But, that is the truth. The whole point of conducting the SSB stretched over 5 days is to analyze the candidate on the conscious and subconscious level through various tests. So, they get to know you through your written answers, your conduct during interview and group discussions, your attitude through demonstrated actions during the course of your 5 day stay and this helps them in drawing an accurate layout of your personality. 
  • Since, you get only generic requirements for getting SSB recommendation, it gets all the more tough to pinpoint accurately the exact criterion of various standards  for SSBs. And, please know the answer to this question which you would be most probably asked in the interview, "Why do you want to join the Armed Forces of your country ?". Please make it an original one. I had answered that flying has been a dream for as long as I can remember my childhood, get a routine in my life as I found myself too lazy and wanted to be called a gentleman. Nothing fancy here. Just spoke my mind. And, please stop judging yourself or your answers. There is nothing called perfection. Reality sucks and you are not perfect. Accept this and move on with your Karma. Only in the first attempt do you get a bit of leeway than the guys who have already attempted it more than once. And that too only in your unfamiliarity with the process and of course the naivety that is associated with first timers.
  • Apart from the above two, being an active, aware and informed citizenry of the country and the world would help you during your interviews. Some would advise you to keep up with the current affairs around you but I have a different take on this. You should have a decent amount of standard general knowledge about almost everything that you feel interesting and also necessary. Some candidates falter even when asked to correctly name just all the states of the country and or even 5 major rivers of the country. It's not wrong to not know them, but it surely does not go down well considering the fact that you aspire to serve the country at the first place. 
Just to clarify here, they don't want walking encyclopedias, but just balanced individuals who have a holistic personality and can be trained to become gentleman officers. 

Best ways to crack the SSB in the first attempt Best ways to crack the SSB in the first attempt Reviewed by Shyam on February 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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